Policy reflection and networking workshop on Paradiplomacy

Why paradiplomacy matters: understanding conflict, cooperation and good governance in European substate diplomacy

News / 29.4.24

The paradiplomacy network of scholars will meet in Brussels on 9-10 May 2024 to analyse the findings and conclusions of their research project assessing the drivers of conflict and cooperation in substate paradiplomacy towards the EU.

This event brings together the members of the wider paradiplomacy network, supported by the Coppieters Foundation, who are scholars working in the US, Canada and around Europe. The event will allow for a collaborative presentation and analysis of findings from the project, with an emphasis on their applied relevance for practice. This discussion will drive forward understandings of good governance and best practice with regard to multi-level diplomacy within and towards the EU.

The workshop offers an opportunity for the network to reflect on the broader significance of their research conclusions, published most recently as part of a Special Issue of the academic journal Territory, Politics, Governance.